Stuff I'm Looking At FAQ

Q: Hey, John, what are you looking at now?

A: Really, I'm just kind of staring at the corner where the two walls meet. I've been typing up some high quality content for awhile now, and my brain is melting.


Q: What were you looking at before that?

A: I mean honestly, still just the corner where the two walls meet. 


Q: What else do you look at?

A: I mean honestly, I mostly just look at the corner where the two walls meet these days. 


Q: No but seriously, that's it?

A: I'm not going to dignify that with an answer. 

A2: Okay fine, I will. Yes that's it. I find it fascinating. I can see the whole cosmos from here.


Q: Is that like a "truth can be found anywhere" sort of thing?

A: No, I have the Cosmos series with Carl Sagan on Betamax right beside the corner where the two walls meet, and I can pretty much see it at the same time.


Q: Why is Aquaman becoming such a prominent theme on your page?

A: I don't know, but it was an organic process. It started with shipping to a customer who lived in the ocean, and the rest, as they say, was just smart business.


Q: Can I meet him?

A: No.